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Hey im_a_good_boye,

I just finished playing your game!

This was a well designed game with a neat mechanic. I enjoyed looking back and forth between the two games to plan my next step. I felt like it was challenging enough to keep me engaged, but not too challenging where I wanted to quite playing. Those dang spikes got me more than the clouds! I kept thinking the game was glitching out, but it turned out I was hitting the spikes on the other screen haha.

I'd say just crank out some more levels and tell us why they are linked together! I am sure you can come up with something creative! ;) 


This is another "one player, two characters" game I have played today. Unlike the other this one is a traditional platformer, including multiple levels with starting and ending points. The levels offer nice challenge, some parts feel hard to get, but you always eventually see the right route - It's essentially about whose turn it is to jump and who will just follow, while of course avoiding a storm cloud if there is one. There's no hurry, so when you reach a safe platform, you can always plan the next, perhaps more challenging move. The visual theme with the sun and moon is a nice idea.

I'd like to invite this game to our contest, the Game Development World Championship!